Camargue rice, between the waters and the sky

Camargue rice, between the waters and the sky

Between the waters and the sky

Originally from Asia, rice was introduced to Europe in the 10th century by Alexandre Le Grand, but it is to Henri IV that we owe the development of rice cultivation in the Camargue, from the end of the 14th century. Finally, it was after the 2nd World War that rice cultivation became industrialized, making the Camargue the largest reserve of rice fields in France.

It is in fact in the Camargue that 98% of French rice is grown today. Its meteorological conditions and its relief make it a very favorable region, and it is not for nothing that Camargue rice is considered to be among the tastiest in the world!

The Camargue, an ideal climate

Camargue rice IGP (Controlled Geographical Indication) benefits from a favorable balance which therefore makes the Camargue the ideal region in France for growing rice. A rich and flat land, a salty wind, sun, relief, the waters of the Rhône... Not to mention the know-how of the "Aiguadiers" which dates back several centuries.

Because no, growing rice is not easy! Between the arms of the Rhône, the Aiguadiers, or rice “breeders”, constantly monitor their rice fields to ensure the proper development of the different stages of cultivation. Soil preparation, pre-germination, drying, sowing, permanent control of the water level, harvesting, drying… Rice cultivation is as delicate and monitored as herding.

Camargue rice varieties

White, red, black or round… all the rices grow in the Camargue! Camargue rices are brown rices, their carbohydrate content being lower, they are therefore much better for your health!

Round Camargue rice has the particularity of being richer in starch than the others, which makes it creamier, stickier and ideal for making certain recipes such as risotto, rice pudding or sushi.

Cooking tip: its rounded shape is comforting, its texture is soft and it is because it has a slightly more neutral taste than the other varieties that it can be used for both sweet and savory recipes.

Camargue black rice is considered a "super food", excellent for health, as it is low in sugar, rich in vitamins B and E, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Its black color comes from its anthocyanin content, a pigment found in certain plants. It is fine and leaves a delicate taste of roasted hazelnuts in the mouth!

Cooking tip: like all rice, black rice must be rinsed before cooking to get rid of its starch (which will make it less sticky). You can also let it soak for 24 hours in water before cooking it.

Red rice is also a mine of nutrients! It is rich in fibre, minerals and vitamin B6. Excellent for health, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. It owes its red color to a natural mutation that makes this rice one of the tastiest of all! To appreciate all the flavors, it must be cooked for at least 40 minutes. Yes it's long, but it's so worth it !

Cooking tip: to highlight its unique texture, try it pilaf style! Fry a chopped onion with a drizzle of olive oil, then add the rice and brown it before pouring in twice its volume of water .

Finally, white rice is a must in your kitchen. Its neutral and delicate taste, its non-sticky grain will allow you to use it in almost any recipe and supports all cooking methods! Like all other Camargue IGP rice, white rice is dried under the sun by the Mistral and represents the Camargue in all its authenticity. Although it contains more carbohydrates than other varieties, its consumption provides magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, essential for a healthy body!

Cooking tip: white rice is unquestionably the most practical and it cooks faster than the others. 15 to 17 minutes are enough to obtain a gourmet grain, light and easy to separate, which makes it an ideal rice for summer salads !

Discover the Atelier du Sel Camargue rice selection, close your eyes and travel...