Ferias: history, symbols, traditions
Ferias: history, symbols, traditions
Ferias: history, symbols, traditions
The feria (fair in Spanish) was born on the Iberian Peninsula and was originally an agricultural festival intended to promote the know-how of breeders and farmers: animal demonstrations, commercial events, bullfights... Little by little, the ferias became are invited to France and traditions have evolved to give way to essentially festive events. Bull releases, bodegas, bandas, they are now a real institution in the southern regions. In Bayonne, Dax, Nîmes or Arles, the feria is now synonymous with fiesta, even if each feria displays different particularities depending on the city.
The ferias of Arles, spectacular and popular
High in colour, the Ferias d'Arles (Easter Feria in April and Rice Feria in September) have the particularity of having preserved an ancestral component by concentrating its program on bullfighting demonstrations. The bullring is a real setting for the organization of bullfights and other shows and bullfights that would make Castilians blush with envy: Torero in golden costume, dressed bulls, crazy public, all the ingredients together for an immersion in pure Hispanic tradition .
Easter Feria
The first bullfight in Arles took place in 1830, in the newly restored Roman arenas. Initially organized to celebrate the capture of Algiers, this first race was the starting point for the Easter ferias.
Since 1965, its format has been structured to improve the conditions for organizing and welcoming visitors. From now on, the Easter ferias are an annual event rooted in the traditions of the Camargue. The many rejoneadores and famous bullfighters who walked the sands of the arenas contributed enormously to the fame of the Roman arenas.
Poster of the very first real Easter Feria in 1965
Photo credit: author unknown. Source Wikipedia.
The Easter ferias have evolved a lot since 1965. Appearance of bullfights on horseback, bodegas on every street corner, organization of concerts and multiple activities attract more than 50,000 visitors each year!
Rice Fair
In mid-September, it is the rice harvest in the rice fields of the Camargue. What could be better than organizing a feria to celebrate this traditional event and celebrate the know-how of Camargue artisans?
Say goodbye to gilding and sequins, hola to traditional fuchsia pink outfits and embroidery! The Feria de Riz is considered to be more sober than that of Easter… we will let you judge!
The Feria du Riz is characterized by similar activities, but displays much more artistic themes: decorations of the arenas, musical events, architecture, peons and matadores in designer clothes... This celebration is undoubtedly an ode to creativity and the arts in all their shapes.
Arles, sensitivity and artistic richness
Arles is a city whose artistic richness is celebrated every day, over the seasons and events... The ferias are obviously part of this and have contributed to making our beautiful city what it is today: a city renowned in the world for his sensitivity, his creativity and his irreproachable taste for art and traditions.
Atelier du Sel feeds on this richness to offer you products that reflect all the traditions of the south of France!